Thursday, June 14, 2012

The little Red Kite

Published in Children's World Magazine

Scene 1: (In the shop displayed with toys, a lonely kite stands in the window shelf).

A lonely kite: Oh! How I wish to go up in the sky…..I’m such a lonely kite…with no friends of mine…No one wants to buy me ….I think my life will end standing lonely in this window shelf…sob….sob…sob.

   (Enter father and son in the shop.)
Father: “Sidh, what do you want to buy?” He asked pointing at all the toys.
Sidh: (spotting the red kite) Papa Look such a beautiful kite. See it has lovely yellow eyes too. I want this kite …Papa, I want this kite…I want it…I want it….I want that cute little kite.

In the car Sidh sat proudly holding his kite. He was very happy to take it home and so was the kite. They both smiled at each other.  “Oh my lovely red kite…You are so bright….I love you…I love you sooooo…much.” said Sidh,   smacking his lips.
“Thank you so much …my little master…I love you for taking me with you” The kite seemed to whisper in delight. Its dream was coming true.

Scene 2: (At the home on the terrace.)
There was great hustle and bustle. Sidh was all set for the kite session. He wore his red cap….black sun glasses and red shoes. His friends Yana, Resham and Vishu had also come with their parent. And why not!….It was their kite flying day!
 “Papa,” He asked impatiently, “When will you fly the kite? Please do it fast…do fast please.”
“Wait! Wait! I’m doing it.” Said papa stringing the loop of the kite and then attached the main string into the kite loop.
 “Here..Sidh..Hold both the ends of the kite,” said papa, when finished. “Move back 20 steps. Hold the kite tight and when I say1-2-3…lift you hands..jump a little and swing the kite into the air.”
“Ok…Ok” Sidh nodded his head with full seriousness.
Papa left the spindle on the ground and held the string tight. He gave signal to Sidh. He jumped high, swung his hands and left the kite into the air.
Papa pulled the string many times and with every pull the kite went higher and higher.
“Oh…Oh ..Oh!” The kite squealed with joy.
“Hurray!” Shouted the children and clapped their hands as they saw the red kite soar high in the air.

“Come Sidh…Hold the Spindle.” Papa gave the spindle of thread carefully in his hands.
This was the happiest moment for Sidh flying his own kite.
“Oh…Oh..Oh” The red kite was even happier seeing his little master flying him. It looked around. “The sky is so wonderful…..Oh Wow! All my big kite friends are also here. He wriggled his long tail even harder and waved to them.
Hello birdie…Hello balloon…Hello Mr Cloud….Aha Hello wind…Hello…Hello…Hello everyone. High up in the air it was singing the song of its life.

“Kite, Kite, I am a happy kite,
Up and up, I fly in the sky,
With my red red coat,
I look so very bright.
I swing to the left,
And I swing to the right,
Oh! How lovely it is----
flying up in the sky.
Kite.Kite..I am a happy kite.

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